Threat Center Security News Ten Year old Vulnerability in Border Gateway Protocol Exposed
Ten Year old Vulnerability in Border Gateway Protocol Exposed Print E-mail
Written by Rebecca Mints   
Wednesday, 27 August 2008 09:21

Border Gateway Protocol allows for the exchange of information between networks of autonomous systems. BGP maintains a table of available IP networks to find the most efficient route for internet traffic. In a presentation, Pilosov and Kapela demonstrated how a user's BGP traffic could be hijacked, redirected, and then allow supposedly secure communications to be intercepted at the Defcon security conference


In a presentation at the Defcon security conference earlier this month, researchers Alex Pilosov and Tony Kapela demonstrated an attack which exploited the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).


The researchers showed a man-in-the-middle attack where 'Time to Live' (TTL) information in data packets is spoofed on the fly, fooling routers into redirecting information to the attackers' network. The attack is surreptitious, as the altered TTL of the packets effectively hides the IP devices handling the hijacked inbound and outbound traffic." -zdnet


"The whole internet infrastructure is based on the assumption of trust, with security overlaid on top," said Buss. "This is an inherent problem


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